What makes this wonderful talking machine so appealing?! The Columbia Disc Graphophone Type "BNW" has the silky design of the 'teens, when ornate styling was giving way to sleek curves. Most importantly, it is equipped with a gorgeous True Tone oak horn. These horns were first crafted by the prestigious Douglas company, and later Columbia began equipping their instruments with True Tone horns as a strong selling feature.
The motor is a double-spring, smooth and quiet powerhouse to play your 78 rpm records. Compare our clean and precisely adjusted motor to the junk you find elsewhere on the Web-- our competitors' motors, with broken springs held together by baling wire, bearings and shafts trashed by clumsy home-made repairs, giant drywall screws protruding obtrusively-- quite a mess! From us, you get just the opposite, you get expert adjustments. You will not find our attention to detail elsewhere. This motor is the same that Columbia was using in its expensive "Grafonola" stand-up models, it was the keen distilling of all the Columbia technologies thast had preceded it.
This original label is under the cabinet.
Inside the motor compartment are oiling directions. Dual language instructions (English and Spanish) are not a recent thing, although we imagine them to be.
The Columbia BNW Disc Graphophone -- classic good looks, superb playing quality, a must for those who want to enjoy both the visual and the auditory joys of a true antique phonograph. Remember, you get the special tonal qualities of a genuine, solid-oak horn. Every day of the week we FIX the mistakes of other people. Most dealers lack the skills or even the desire to adjust these machines properly. At phonophan we understand these machines inside and out! What you buy from us is far and away the finest quality -- no mis-matched parts, no home handyman repairs. Only the finest work, which is based on 54 years in this field.
Price: $2750.00 US, plus s/h. (NY State residents must add sales tax if applicable)
Contact: phonotim@gmail.com
Telephone: 585-244-5546
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